687 540 370



Activity licenses anb business implantations


Construction licenses


Installations (electrical, climatization, fire prevention, gas, water)


free covid-19 premises adaptation

Our consultancy specialized in energy saving is one of the most reputable in the sector

It stands out for offering an absolutely personalized service, so that a technician or a group of technicians follow up from the beginning to the end of the performance.

Our consultants are highly experienced industrial engineers.

We offer you a service that stands out for its professionalism and efficiency.

Our specialized monographs

Engineering monograph 1

The steps to follow to open a restaurant

Engineering monograph 2

The steps to follow to open a store

Engineering monograph 3

How to obtain the Environmental License. Law 20/2009, on Prevention and Environmental Control of Activities

We highlight


Self-protection plans


Electromagnetic radiation

Connect live with the ISS

Earth seen from the ISS