The steps to open a store
To open a store, the first step is to check that the location that you are interested in is suitable for the uses allowed by the Urban Planning Plan of the municipality in question. Our engineers are responsible for making the appropriate inquiries, and ensure that the premises are not affected by urban planning. The first step, then, is to carry out the study of the urban compatibility of your activity with the Urban Planning.
Once we have decided on the best location for your store, our engineers will design the premises.
The outdoor units (condensers) of the air conditioning system must be installed in such a way that they do not produce noise or discomfort. In this sense, it is never advisable to install the outdoor units of the air conditioning system in the building’s light yard, since technically they cannot be properly insulated, and will end up producing noise. On the other hand, if they are placed at the front, on the facade of the premises, they must be installed at a minimum height of 2 meters, and so that they are aligned with the facade, without protruding.
The electrical installation must be designed and executed to suit your needs. The type of lighting in your store is very important, since it can attract more customers and give a greater quality feeling to the entire premises. Our engineers can carry out the lighting study of your premises ensuring the highest quality.
At Enginytech we make sure to place the best floor, wall and ceiling cladding materials, so that they give a quality aspect to your establishment, while ensuring adequate fire behavior. Enginytech always requires fire performance quality certificates from its material suppliers.
Finally, our engineers can design your store’s website, which can include, if you wish, an e-commerce. The website of your business establishment will help you improve your brand image and increase sales volume.