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Safety at work: it is the preventive technique that aims to eliminate or reduce the risk of occupational accidents. Thus, the first step is to identify the possible risks that occur in your company or organization. These risks must then be evaluated and measured using standardized techniques and using the variables of consequence, risk exposure and probability. As a last phase, the most appropriate controls and corrections are adopted so that the risk does not materialize in an accident at work.

Industrial hygiene: Industrial hygiene tries to prevent occupational disease and other pathologies that originate at work. Identifies, evaluates and controls the environmental factors that may affect the worker’s health. The ultimate goal of industrial hygiene is the technical prevention of occupational disease. For this, it is necessary to identify the aggressive means that occur in the workplace, adopt effective measures to protect exposed workers and train managers and workers in health protection.

Ergonomics and applied psychosociology: Ergonomics is the set of techniques that aim to adapt work to the person through the design and conception of the workplace. Psychosiology is the set of techniques that try to adapt the worker to the pressures caused by psychosocial factors.